Recipes & Wellbeing

Recipes Lioba Fezer Recipes Lioba Fezer

Green smoothie

Smoothies are an amazing way of packing of lot of nutrition into an easy-to-digest form. This smoothie is a delicious combo of healthy fats, protein and fibre.

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Wellbeing Lioba Fezer Wellbeing Lioba Fezer

Spring Cleanse

Spring is a great time to gently support the body’s detoxification processes through simple naturopathic practises and dietary changes.

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Recipes Lioba Fezer Recipes Lioba Fezer

Mango goats-milk kefir lassi

Making kefir is wonderfully simple and is a great way of increasing the diversity of your gut microbiome. This dairy version is delicious if you tolerate dairy and fermented foods.

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Recipes Lioba Fezer Recipes Lioba Fezer

Superfoody Banana Porridge

I personally love the good old oat. A great source of soluble fibre, it may support the clearing of cholesterol from the body and feeds the good bacteria in the gut.

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