Green smoothie


Smoothies are a great way of packing in a lot of nutrition into an easy to digest form. This smoothie combines protein and healthy fats in the form of chia seeds, hemp protein powder and avocado with vegetables and fruits that are fabulous for the kidneys and liver.

Here’s what you need

  • 1 Tbs chia seeds (ideally soaked for 5 mins) or other seeds like linseeds (great source of healthy Omegas, protein and fibre)

  • 1-2 Tbs hemp powder (great source of protein) or substitute with almonds or cashews

  • ½ stalk of celery or a quarter of a cucumber

  • Cup full of nettle tops (great source of iron) (pick with gloves and scissors)

  • handful of spinach or kale (source of folate)

  • ½ a mango or other fruit like kiwi (x2)

  • ½ a banana (high in potassium)

  • Juice of half a lemon or lime (vitamin C)

  • ½ an avocado (great source of healthy fats)

  • 1 tsp fresh ginger (optional)

  • Capful of pomegranate molasses (optional) Gives a nice sweet/sour flavour and high in antioxidants.

  • 1 to 2 cups coconut water or filtered water


Soak the chia seeds for about 5 mins in water and then put everything in a high powered blender. If too thick then add more water.



Nettle Soup


Spring & the Wood Element