Quinoa and Spinach Spring Salad


A versatile salad that brings together delicious flavours and textures, and is a good source of protein too. 

In terms of spring and supporting liver detoxification, avocado and spinach contain glutathione, an important antioxidant required by the liver and limonene from lemon to support detoxification. The best sprouts for liver health are broccoli sprouts which are very high in compounds that convert into sulfurophane when chewed and then acted upon by gut bacteria. The green leaves, especially if you choose a cruciferous vegetable such as rocket, contains glucosinolates as well as sulfur compounds, which help with glutathione production.

Note: If you experience joint pain and other symptoms of oxalate sensitivity, avoid spinach!

Serves 1

Here’s what you need

150g salad leaves- baby spinach, rocket or any other of choice

Handful of mushrooms

Chunk of smoked tofu (optional)

Half a red pepper

Couple of spring onions

1/2 cup of cooked quinoa (add as much as you like to the salad – save the rest for later)

Sprinkle of pine nuts

One avocado

Crumbled feta (optional)

For the dressing

4 tablespoons of olive oil

Juice of half a lemon

1/4 tsp wholegrain or dijon mustard (optional for added kick)

Pinch of salt and pepper

Little drizzle of honey

– Shake together well in a jar or mix in a bowl. 


Put the dry quinoa in a pan. Boil some water and add about a 1/2 cup to the quinoa and let it come to a boil, then reduce the temperature and simmer. Cook until quinoa is nice and fluffy (around 10 mins). Let it cool.

Meanwhile chop up the rest of the ingredients adding any other vegetables or herbs (parsley or coriander are great here) that you have in your fridge. 

Mix everything together and add the dressing. 

Serve and enjoy immediately. 

Tips: Quinoa is a grain with a relatively high protein content, but to increase the protein include some other ingredients such as tofu or pine nuts. Other options are lightly toasted pumpkin, sesame or sunflower seeds. 


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