Spring Cleanse


How can we support the body and mind at this time of year?

What can we do at the change of season, from around the spring Equinox that falls on the 21st of March, to transition into the energies of spring and shake off some of the stagnation of winter?

This is a great time to do some gentle cleansing and to support your body’s detoxification pathways. 

Here are my top 15 tips:

  • Lemon water

    Drink a large glass of warm, ideally filtered water, with half a lemon squeezed into it first thing in the morning - This helps to hydrate you, balance your pH (it is actually alkalising) and flush out the liver and gall bladder as well as stimulate your digestive system.

  • Oil pulling

    Now try the Ayurvedic practise of oil pulling known as ‘kavala’ or ‘gundusha’- take a tablespoon of (ideally organic) sesame or coconut or olive oil in your mouth and swish it around for as long as you can, usually until it turns a whitish colour, and then spit out and rinse. This helps to pull out and eliminate toxins in the mouth.

  • Dry skin brushing

    Follow this with dry skin brushing before your shower. This is involves using a natural brush and stroking gently in the direction of the heart to slough off dead cells and improve the flow of lymph and detoxification capacity of the skin.

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  • Alternate hot and cold showers

    i.e 1/2 min hot, 1/2 min cold, 1/2 min hot and ending on cold- this increases circulation, supports the immune & endocrine systems and helps with detoxification. Or simply finish your shower with a long cold rinse.

  • Give coffee a break

    Swap it for a turmeric latte , which contains the anti-inflammatory curcumin and is fantastic for the liver. Coffee is not necessarily bad for you but can keep your adrenals on overdrive and not allow your liver to detoxify and heal. Taking magnesium can help with withdrawal symptoms like headaches. (Glycinate or citrate are best)

  • Alcohol break

    Consider going off alcohol for a few weeks to give your liver a break, help balance your blood sugar and also reduce inflammation in the gut.

  • Replace

    Gluten (barley, wheat, rye, and spelt) with grains like rice, quinoa or buckwheat for a period of two weeks as these are potentially triggering foods as well as being known to cause inflammation.

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  • Swap dairy

    Milk for other milks such as cashew, almond, rice or oat. Try cashew cheese or simply take a rest from dairy for a couple of weeks. Dairy is known to be inflammatory and can disrupt hormones as well.

  • Sugar Detox

    Sugar is inflammatory and addictive. Try using lower GI and more nutritious forms such as coconut sugar or molasses or use stevia or xylitol. Better still stick with fruit.

  • Cruciferous veggies

    Are vital for detoxification. This includes broccoli, cauliflower, kale, rocket, cabbage, spring greens, brussel sprouts and so on. They contain phytochemicals called glucosinolates and sulfur compounds which directly influence the detox pathways of the liver. Garlic, onions and leeks are also sulfur containing vegetables that are great for the liver.

  • Get sweating

    Through physical exercise, choose a movement practise that brings you joy- this could be anything from jogging to dancing to aerobics or go to the sauna. (remembering to take a cold shower in between sauna sessions)

  • Castor oil pack

    On your liver- use organic, hexane free castor oil, soak a flannel in it, apply directly over the liver, cover with cling film then apply heat through a hot water bottle. Relax and lie down for as long as possible. This helps to draw out toxins. Take a shower afterwards.

  • Epsom salt or magnesium flake baths or foot soaks

    An excellent way of getting magnesium into your body. Magnesium is a mineral that is fundamental to the functioning of the liver. It also helps toxins to leave the body by alkalising it and through more frequent bowel movements. Magnesium citrate before bed (200mg- if constipated) - you must have at least one BM a day!

  • Social media detox

    For a week or at least a day! -disable the social media app that you use most frequently and is the biggest energy drainer.

  • Detox your home and personal care products

    More info to come on this but generally avoiding products with BPA, phthalates , parabens, triclosan, and fragrances is a good start.

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Spring & the Wood Element


Mango goats-milk kefir lassi