Recipes & Wellbeing
Eating for Hormonal Balance
There are many ways that we can support a healthy hormonal balance in our bodies. This includes balancing blood sugar, supporting the gut and liver and ensuring proper detoxification of our hormones.
Food for mood
Some of the ways that food can impact the way we feel is by impacting our digestion, our blood sugar, microbiome and the production of neurotransmitters.
Am I Oestrogen dominant?
Oestrogen dominance is a common female hormonal imbalance that can be extremely debilitating and significantly reduce your quality of life. There are many things you can do to address this.
Reducing inflammation
The anti-inflammatory dietary approach usually involves doing an elimination diet and implementing the 5 R approach from Functional medicine.
What is inflammation?
Inflammation is a natural immune response that is necessary for survival. When it becomes chronic and low level however it can lead to and fuel chronic illness.
How to cope with stress
Chronic stress is at the root of most chronic illness. It is really important for any healing process to address the stress in your life through positive diet and lifestyle changes.
Adrenal Dysfunction?
Have a quick look at this adrenal fatigue questionnaire to address your degree of stress and then read my article on ways of coping with stress
Balancing your blood sugar
Balancing your blood sugar is fundamental to good health. Imbalances can not only make you feel moody, weak, irritable and out of sorts but can over time lead to hormonal chaos and much more serious conditions.
Spring & the Wood Element
Spring is here and Chinese Medicine can give us amazing insights into how we can align ourselves with the energies of the ‘wood’ element.
Spring Cleanse
Spring is a great time to gently support the body’s detoxification processes through simple naturopathic practises and dietary changes.