How to cope with stress


One of the most fundamental ways to help the adrenals to recover is to get enough rest. This means 8 to 10 hours of quality sleep and/or rest a day. Doing this for a period of three months can make a huge difference. Read more about sleep hygiene here.

Other tips:


Keep your blood sugars balanced

  • Your body sees blood sugar crashes as a threat and will trigger more stress hormones in response to what it perceives as a crisis and this becomes a vicious cycle. See this article for specific tips on how to do this.

Cut out the junk

  • Hydrogenated fats, sugary foods and additives can stress the body. Reduce the processed foods in your diet as they tend to contain the above.

Eliminate suspected food sensitivities

  • Some of the usual suspects are wheat, soy, dairy, corn and eggs. Cut them out for 2-3 weeks and then reintroduce one at a time and watch for physical reactions to see if they trigger health issues. Food sensitivities can cause an adrenal response and hormonal imbalance.

Reduce your caffeine intake

  • Caffeine causes quick release of adrenaline and noradrenaline.


Extreme exercise like marathons and intense daily training or long,daily HIIT workouts can cause a high release of cortisol which if combined with high cortisol in your every day life (from too much stress) can have a serious impact on your health. Instead try:

  • Brisk walking or jogging in nature

  • Weight training

  • Dancing

  • Swimming

  • More gentle exercise

  • Yoga - This is like a moving meditation that connects your mind, breathe and body and induces a calming relaxation response which helps lower your cortisol levels.

  • Exercising in a way that energises you but doesn’t leave your body in pain.

Allow yourself to experience pleasure

This releases endorphins and other feel good hormones such as oxytocin and serotonin which counteract the effects of stress hormones.

  • Make a list of all the things that bring you pleasure/make you feel good- Try and do at least one a day

  • Learn to say ’No’ to things you don’t enjoy!

  • Leave time for the hobbies you enjoy

  • Dance

  • Sing or play an instrument

  • Leave yourself time on the weekend to relax, see friends or family

  • Prioritise self pleasure and orgasm- This is very important for stress release and oxytocin release.

Do things to help you relax

  • Enjoy a relaxing aromatherapy bath: Create a relaxing ambience with scents and candles. Lavender is particularly good.

  • Epsom salt or magnesium flake foot bath if you are short of time- Magnesium is nature’s relaxant.

  • Practise deep soft belly breathing , in for 5 counts and out for 7. 10 breaths whenever you feel stressed.

  • Have a massage or other type of bodywork

  • Listen to relaxing music

  • Watch comedy- Laughter releases endorphins and counteracts cortisol.

  • Enjoy regular touch- Through massage, hugs, love making, holding a child or stroking a pet. This releases oxytocin which counteracts the effects of stress hormones.

  • Spend time in nature

  • Practise mindfulness techniques- being in the ‘Here and now’, connecting to bodily sensations. MBSR.

  • Consider a media detox, once a week switch off from social media.

  • Meditate- There are many free apps available such as Insight Timer.


  • Consider adaptogenic herbs such as ashwagandha, rhodiola, tulsi or medicinal mushrooms such as reishi.

  • Increase your B vitamins (especially pantothenic acid (B5) and B3), vitamin C and Magnesium.

  • Work with a healthcare practitioner to determine specific doses.


Steamed veggies with tofu


Adrenal Dysfunction?